What's one of your childhood dreams? Mine was to be a writer.
After attending Counselling School and University, and thousands of hours on self-help books, I dreamt of writing books that would make a difference in people's lives.
Self Sabotage No More continues to change lives at a faster rate than I ever could have done working with people one on one.
And I am incredibly honored to receive the 2025 Award of Top Author of the Year in Self Help!
This is a dream come true! There are more books coming and more lives changing.
Aside from being proud and honored that my books continue to make positive impact, they also bring residual income.
Write it once and get paid over and over!
I used to teach people about residual income long before I ever wrote a book... and guess what I used as an example of residual income? BOOKS!
And with a book like Self Sabatoge No More, I'm also creating residual transformation—words written once that continue to transform lives, over and over, far beyond anything ever imagined.
⟫ This is the power of words!
⟫ This is the power of sharing your story!
⟫ This is the power of sharing your tools, your gifts and your heart!
I'd love to hear your takeaways, moments of enlightenment, or even those moments when a truth was revealed, and it felt kind of hard. Review Self Sabotage No More HERE
Your words, your story, your tools, your gifts and your heart have healing power.
So, ask yourself... how will you magnify transformation in ways that only God could orchestrate?
If you haven't read Self Sabotage No More, check out what others have to say about it HERE.
Are you procrastinating? Scared to take the next step? Have an underlying sense of guilt? Never feel like you're good enough? Struggle with money mindset? Purchase trainings but never watch them?
If you feel unclear on your vision or feel stuck trying to share your inner greatness....
If you've been meaning to write a book, start a business, go back to school, attend training, or implement a strategy but you just don't do the work, let's identify the cause and release you from those unprocessed emotions and sabotage beliefs.