"Helping people live their best life while exponentially increasing their health, wealth and time freedom." - Jennie Potter

Join us as we understand the ALARM method and explore it as a path to emotional freedom! "Learning to identify where you feel your emotions, can help you release them." Read More on Resilient Women Magazine

Join us as we delve deep into the journeys of courageous individuals who have triumphed over adversity! Inside this episode, host Kim Hayden and Jennie have a remarkable conversation on overcoming self sabotage and trauma. Listen on Apple, Spotify or YouTube

Chris Mitchell #DefineYourselfDiscoveries

Join us as we discuss why we self-sabotage our efforts in life and what we can do to break this cycle that is holding us back from self-confidence and success. Watch on YouTube

Cindy Watson, The Art of Feminine Negotiation

Join us as we discuss "negotiating past childhood trauma" and how powerful it can be to journey back into the depths of your experiences to find the courage to self sabotage no more. Listen on Apple Podcasts

Mr. Biz Radio, Mindset Makeover: The Power of Declaring Your Success

Join us as we discuss the pervasive issue of self-sabotage. The discussion embarks on understanding the underlying factors that cause individuals to limit their own success, often unknowingly and explores various aspects of self-sabotage, including how unprocessed emotions and habitual behaviors can stifle growth, particularly for entrepreneurs. Listen HERE

SLAE: Mastering Mindset: Secrets to Break Free from Self-Sabotage

Join us as we dive deep into the concepts of self-sabotage, the psychology behind it, and practical methods to overcome it. This episode brings invaluable insights to help you identify and eliminate the hidden obstacles that hold you back. Listen HERE

BRAND(ed), the podcast: Stuck No More

Join Sarah Glenn as she goes behind the scenes with her beautiful client, Jennie Potter, to chat about how their work together helps Jennie stay within her zone of genius more frequently, Jennie's brand-new book, Stuck No More, how to overcome obstacles and master manifestation. Listen on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcast.

Ray Higdon: God Doesn't Want You Stuck

Join Ray Higdon and special guest Jennie Potter for an inspiring discussion on the powerful message, 'God Doesn't Want You Stuck.' Listen HERE.

Dare to Declare Podcast: Say Goodbye to Self-Sabotage

Join Debbi Sluyes and Jennie Potter as they explore the enchanting world of giant manifestors, who have turned their visions and goals to the stuff of legends! Listen HERE.


One on One Coaching with Coach Jennie





Self Sabotage No More


Are you procrastinating?

Scared to take the next step?

Have an underlying sense of guilt?

Never feel like you're good enough?

Struggle with money mindset?

Purchase trainings but never watch them?

If you feel unclear on your vision or feel stuck trying to share your inner greatness....

If you've been meaning to write a book, start a business, go back to school, attend training, or implement a strategy but you just don't do the work, let's identify the cause and release you from those unprocessed emotions and sabotage beliefs.








Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

July 02, 20242 min read

Did you know that you can reprogram your subconscious? You just have to know HOW.

Years ago, I read the book “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers,” by Robert M Sapolsky.

In it, the author goes over the following premise -  

If you are in fight or flight, you can’t receive new information.  

Think of it this way, you are a zebra, and you sense a lion. So, your body releases adrenaline. You are good at two things - fleeing or freezing.

Basically, you go camouflage, or you run as fast as possible.

Imagine now that someone comes along and starts teaching you (the zebra) about the art of positive thinking or discussing the latest trends. None of it would register.

The hard part about our world today is that we are much like the zebra, only there are A LOT more lions!  

Coffee: Puts you in fight or flight, LION.

Stress: Puts you in fight or flight: LION.

TV: Scary shows, unsolved mysteries, tragedies, LION. 

Modern life. The news, the economy, social media, real disasters, fake disasters, energy drinks, your job, stepping out of your comfort zone. LION, LION, LION. 🦁

Some people are in chronic fight or flight. 

Realistically, a lot of people are in fight or flight chronically, but they don’t know it. They have felt the lion chasing them for decades and they got used to life feeling this way.

The problem is, it can be pretty tough to reprogram the subconscious when you are running from lions.

The trick to reprogramming is in the how AND the when.  

#excerpt #stucknomore #selfsabotagenomore #reprogram #comingsoon #best life

(The pic below is me and Lucky going to reprogram his automated response to other puppies 🐶)

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Self Sabotage No More summer contest! Free coaching sessions, courses, amazon gift cards and more were won

Check out Sheri's experience with Self Sabotage No More Coaching

Self Sabotage No More Coaching with Jennie Potter

Back to Blog





Faith-filled Network Marketers

Let's Raise Hallelujah



Jennie Potter

Future Self Coach

Jennie Potter is a Future Self Coach, a faith-filled trainer in the network marketing space, a published author, and an inspirational speaker. With a background in Counselling, Jennie loves personal growth and thrives in one on one conversations particularly in helping people discover their limiting beliefs. Jennie overcame her own fear of strangers, answering the phone, being in front of a room, public speaking, inviting others to attend events, and her general fear of the unknown. She stepped out of her comfort zone because she wanted a change. She knew she had to show up differently if she was to make an impact in the world.

Now Jennie is passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindset. She thrives on helping others achieve through faith, vision, manifestation, exploration, and powerful daily habits; actionable ways to break through, use their God-given gifts and shine fully as the light they were made to be in this world.

Jennie Shares Heartwarming Stories & Insight

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

July 02, 20242 min read

Did you know that you can reprogram your subconscious? You just have to know HOW.

Years ago, I read the book “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers,” by Robert M Sapolsky.

In it, the author goes over the following premise -  

If you are in fight or flight, you can’t receive new information.  

Think of it this way, you are a zebra, and you sense a lion. So, your body releases adrenaline. You are good at two things - fleeing or freezing.

Basically, you go camouflage, or you run as fast as possible.

Imagine now that someone comes along and starts teaching you (the zebra) about the art of positive thinking or discussing the latest trends. None of it would register.

The hard part about our world today is that we are much like the zebra, only there are A LOT more lions!  

Coffee: Puts you in fight or flight, LION.

Stress: Puts you in fight or flight: LION.

TV: Scary shows, unsolved mysteries, tragedies, LION. 

Modern life. The news, the economy, social media, real disasters, fake disasters, energy drinks, your job, stepping out of your comfort zone. LION, LION, LION. 🦁

Some people are in chronic fight or flight. 

Realistically, a lot of people are in fight or flight chronically, but they don’t know it. They have felt the lion chasing them for decades and they got used to life feeling this way.

The problem is, it can be pretty tough to reprogram the subconscious when you are running from lions.

The trick to reprogramming is in the how AND the when.  

#excerpt #stucknomore #selfsabotagenomore #reprogram #comingsoon #best life

(The pic below is me and Lucky going to reprogram his automated response to other puppies 🐶)

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Self Sabotage No More summer contest! Free coaching sessions, courses, amazon gift cards and more were won

Check out Sheri's experience with Self Sabotage No More Coaching

Self Sabotage No More Coaching with Jennie Potter

Back to Blog