Imagine what it would feel like to be the person you were meant to be. To be able to unwrap all of your gifts and step into your best life.
I am here to help you make that dream a reality.
As a Future Self Coach, faith-filled trainer in the network marketing space published author, and inspirational speaker, I have had my own personal journey of transformation.
Overcoming my own self-sabotage, fear of strangers, public speaking, and general anxiety about the unknown. God called me to step out of my comfort zone and help others do the same.
Now, I am passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindset.
I thrive on helping others achieve through faith, vision, manifestation, exploration, and powerful daily habits; actionable ways to break through and use your God-given gifts, and shine fully as the light you were made to be in this world.
Are you procrastinating? Scared to take the next step? Have an underlying sense of guilt? Never feel like you're good enough? Struggle with money mindset? Purchase trainings but never watch them?
If you feel unclear on your vision or feel stuck trying to share your inner greatness....
If you've been meaning to write a book, start a business, go back to school, attend training, or implement a strategy but you just don't do the work, let's identify the cause and release you from those unprocessed emotions and sabotage beliefs.
Jennie Potter is a Future Self Coach, a faith-filled trainer in the network marketing space, a published author, and an inspirational speaker. With a background in Counselling, Jennie loves personal growth and thrives in one on one conversations particularly in helping people discover their limiting beliefs. Jennie overcame her own fear of strangers, answering the phone, being in front of a room, public speaking, inviting others to attend events, and her general fear of the unknown. She stepped out of her comfort zone because she wanted a change. She knew she had to show up differently if she was to make an impact in the world.
Now Jennie is passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindset. She thrives on helping others achieve through faith, vision, manifestation, exploration, and powerful daily habits; actionable ways to break through, use their God-given gifts and shine fully as the light they were made to be in this world.
Me? Procrastinate? Nah… I’ll do that later
He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
Proverbs 14:23 ESV
In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.
PROCRASTINATION… Often confused with laziness. (procrastinating isn’t lazy, it’s actively avoiding)
You are not alone if you procrastinate, there are millions of people avoiding the things they don’t want to do. Currently I have a load or two of laundry which needs doing which I will likely find time to do when I sit down to do my work…
Procrastination is often a masked act of self protecting self… or rather
The two most common reasons for procrastination – fear of success and fear of failure. The fear is the “masked part”.
These two reasons are usually deep rooted when we are kids. Maybe we tried really hard at something and failed, and it hurt so bad. We make it mean, If I don’t try then I won’t cry.
Or maybe the opposite, maybe somewhere along the way success hurt… maybe you shined a bit too bright for someone else’s comfort or maybe someone else felt bad when you “won” when you shone.
Maybe you are procrastinating because you are scared of what life would be like if you did the things you were avoiding.
Ask God for help! Ask God for insight into why you are avoiding certain things. Memorize some scripture like the verse below and “stand on” it. Speak it out and then complete a task.
Philippians 4:13 ESV I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
There are tangible tools to use to overcome procrastination, use a timer and do the task until the buzzer goes, count 5,4,3,2,1, and just do it. Reward your self with something you enjoy after doing the task. Do the task first. But if you want to kick procrastination to the curb forever dive a little deeper into your comfort zone with the questions; Am I ok with shining? with exceeding current limits? Am I scared of failing? Am I scared of winning?
Another tool you can try is;
Ask yourself, when have I felt this feeling before?
Trace it back in time. Notice what memories pop up and ask yourself what might need healing from those memories? Can you recognize where your subconscious might be trying to protect you?
Asked yourself what behaviour needs to be reset to fit your new dreams and new reality.