Imagine what it would feel like to be the person you were meant to be. To be able to unwrap all of your gifts and step into your best life.
I am here to help you make that dream a reality.
As a Future Self Coach, faith-filled trainer in the network marketing space published author, and inspirational speaker, I have had my own personal journey of transformation.
Overcoming my own self-sabotage, fear of strangers, public speaking, and general anxiety about the unknown. God called me to step out of my comfort zone and help others do the same.
Now, I am passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindset.
I thrive on helping others achieve through faith, vision, manifestation, exploration, and powerful daily habits; actionable ways to break through and use your God-given gifts, and shine fully as the light you were made to be in this world.
Are you procrastinating? Scared to take the next step? Have an underlying sense of guilt? Never feel like you're good enough? Struggle with money mindset? Purchase trainings but never watch them?
If you feel unclear on your vision or feel stuck trying to share your inner greatness....
If you've been meaning to write a book, start a business, go back to school, attend training, or implement a strategy but you just don't do the work, let's identify the cause and release you from those unprocessed emotions and sabotage beliefs.
Jennie Potter is a Future Self Coach, a faith-filled trainer in the network marketing space, a published author, and an inspirational speaker. With a background in Counselling, Jennie loves personal growth and thrives in one on one conversations particularly in helping people discover their limiting beliefs. Jennie overcame her own fear of strangers, answering the phone, being in front of a room, public speaking, inviting others to attend events, and her general fear of the unknown. She stepped out of her comfort zone because she wanted a change. She knew she had to show up differently if she was to make an impact in the world.
Now Jennie is passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindset. She thrives on helping others achieve through faith, vision, manifestation, exploration, and powerful daily habits; actionable ways to break through, use their God-given gifts and shine fully as the light they were made to be in this world.
So, on a random whim, in the month of January my husband who is all things handy wanted to go winter camping by the ocean to celebrate our new mini wood stove in our converted offroad/ambulance camper.
The next day we woke up cozy to a grey day, and torrential rain. Dave says to me… we could go for a swim? In January… in Canada. In the rain. I’ve been watching people cold plunge from afar on social media for a couple years now. I’ve been drawn to it but haven’t ventured near.
This was my chance.
I took a deep breath and said, OK. Let’s go...NOW! It’s best for me not to think about stuff that’s hard for too long or I may just opt out. Haha.
We ended up going twice that day, the first time my shoulders did not even get wet, and I was out as fast as I was in. The second time, a little deeper, a little longer. (Dave by the way, dove in headfirst both times)
We went again on Monday! Dave came into my office at 5pm and said let's drive to the ocean and do it again. I shrunk back. "What? Now? But I’m cozy…" He said, "I can go by myself. You don’t have to come. I just really want to do it again."
Imagine for a moment an octopus is wrapped around something… This was my mind wrapping around all of the reasons it was okay for me to stay home. I had a cold shower this morning, I wasn’t expecting this, it was too late in the day, Dave didn’t need me to come, and on and on and on. (picture a 2-year-old stomping and saying NO FAIR, I DON’T WANT TO)
I have learned over the years not to give in to the octopus or the two-year-old, they are addicted to staying the same. To staying in a false safety of the known. I took a deep breath. Relaxed and said, "Okay. Let’s do it. But we have to go right now before I change my mind!"
Walking into the ocean with Dave is deepening my relationship to myself and to him. Trusting he is okay with how long or little I stay in, trusting that he is in his own process too, trusting that we can do it together more easily than alone.
I really thought I stayed in for soooooo long this time but in watching the video it wasn’t much longer than the time before. But it was longer, and I felt more peaceful. Baby steps. There was joy afterwards.
We came home feeling accomplished. We had both had big days. I am stepping out of my comfort zone these days with new challenges and commitments on the business front.
The cold plunge is easy compared to some of the things I’ve put on the dream board for this year. My point is this. Cold plunge might not be in the cards for you this year but...
What is your cold plunge?
What’s one thing you could do today?
One baby step you could take towards the change you want to see in your life.
The change you want to see in your relationship with yourself.
One person you could forgive.
One nice thing you could do for you.
One person you could bless with appreciation just because.
One person who might do a walking challenge with you or do something that you have always wanted to do.
The possibilities are endless. The dreams are yours. They are on your heart for a reason.
If I learned anything in 2023 it's that we are not guaranteed more time. So, in the month of relationships, who do you appreciate, forgive, love… who would cold plunge with you? How can you love yourself more?
If you believe you have emotions in the way of taking your relationship with self or your relationships with others to the next level, come join us on Feb 29th. We are having a group coaching session to clear these blocked emotions! Click the image or link below to learn more.
Learn more about our Group Coaching Program and join us on February 29th.
With blessings,